From the Rez to the Mountain Top – Erica McLean

Erica McLean, one of Engage Sport North’s Strength and Conditioning coaches, has just released her first book ‘From the Rez to the Mountaintop.’

This story reflects on Erica’s personal story, weaving in major lessons that she has learned along the way.

Told in three parts – love, work, and grow – this narrative non-fiction story provides readers with the space to consider their own story and capacity to pursue self-mastery and become the person they were meant to be.


Growing up on a reserve as an Indigenous woman in poverty helped paint the portrait of what love was to Erica and how it shaped who she is today. Erica learned how to love the parts of herself that she was ashamed of and wanted to hide from the world.


In the pursuit of mastery and becoming who she was meant to be, Erica realized that this couldn’t come without putting in the work. Work, to her, is all about courage, discipline, and resilience and allowing those factors to shape who you are


Grow is all about continuing to think about the next step. Erica felt she was always trying to get to some magical outcome or finish line where things would suddenly be easy. She realized that life is just this continuous evolution into different versions of ourselves, and the outcome we strive for is a continually moving target.

Erica wrote this book as a step in her own process of reconciliation.

“We’re at a place where we’re ready, able, and willing to really try as a collective to move forward,” notes Erica. “Reconciliation had to be a personal journey for me, but it’s still a societal process.”

Erica believes reconciliation is as much a personal journey as it is a societal one. By telling her personal story and lessons picked up along the way, she believes through love, work, and the pursuit of growth, we can change the world. We can reach the peak of our mountain.

Pick up your copy of Erica’s book today on AMAZON or listen on AUDIBLE.

Congratulations Erica! Thank you for sharing your story and inspiring us.


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Monogram Communications