A hub for coach programs, training and resources.
Engage Sport North is the regional leader for coach education and development in Northern BC. Through partnerships with viaSport BC, the Regional Alliance, the Coaching Association of Canada and Sport for Life, we provide access to the highest standards of certification, education and mentorship for coaches in the North.
Browse our programs and events below to learn more.
For Northern Adaptive Sports Programs visit:
The Indigenous Sport, Physical Activity and Recreation Council (ISPARC) is your primary resources for programming, advocacy, coach resources and more for aboriginal sport in BC.
Other resources:
CAC – Aboriginal Coaching Module
Canada Games Aboriginal Apprentice Coach Mentorship Program
As a coach working and partnering with Engage Sport North over the 15+ years, it has been an extremely positive experience. ESN regularly provides opportunities to further my sport education in physical literacy and I am able to concentrate my efforts on the technical and tactical areas in prep for competition.
Lisa Davison